About MAaKE

Moral Action and Values Education is a further development of VaKE KE, namely that something should be done concretely, i.e. what was discussed and worked out in a VaKE session should be implemented as a concrete action. The questions are: What can be done? How can this be done? What does it take for this action to be successful? Are there comparable examples? So it is about doing and concrete action, and above all not as a single person but in a community with like-minded people. Terms like empowerment, civil society engagement, active citizenship, etc. frame what MAaKE KE wants to achieve.

That is why the two VaKE igures should join hands: they do something together, heart and brain together create the action, hence the colour green as a mixture of blue and yellow.

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Aims of MAaKE

We want to promote the method VaKE to find viable answers on given problems based on discovery, cognition, insight regarding involved values, knowledge and findings.

„What should I do?“ Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804)


Apply and integrate knowledge


Develop deeper understanding of values & their implementation in concrete situations


Improve critical thinking


Improve autonomous learning


Expand the competence of problem solving


Become a better team-worker


Improve abilities to discuss

Theory of VaKE

The theoretical foundations of VaKE

Practice of MAaKE

VaKE (Values and Knowledge Education) is a teaching-learning method, which combines values education and knowledge construction. Moral issues can be addressed and ethical thinking can be trained without limiting the content of a curriculum.

In a VaKE-course learners adopt just as much – if not even more – expert knowledge than in a traditional lecture course.