The PROVE Project Has Started.

The project ” Promoting Values Education in South Caucasus Higher Education Institutions/PROVE ” was officially launched in Telavi on December 9-11. Telavi Iakob Gogebashvili State University hosted the consortium meeting. A consortium meeting was held, bringing together our project partners from Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Greece. We have embarked on an important initiative. During the […]

AVaKE became the winner of the Erasmus+ Institutional Development Program

The International Association of Value and Knowledge Education together with European and Transcaucasian universities will implement the EU-funded project Promoting Values Education in South Caucasus Higher Education Institutions/PROVE ([ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE-STRAND2. 101178922). The project aims to improve Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in South-Caucasian countries, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia by introducing Peace Education courses based on Values and Knowledge Education (VaKE). This will […]

Association working group meeting

Association working group meetingOn January 12 of this year, a meeting of the working group of the association was held regarding the preparation of the Erasmus Plus project. The project will be submitted to the European Union in February.

Researches on the VaKE model by country

Australia Marangio, K & Cooper, R (2022) Fordern Sie angehende Lehrer heraus, über naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht nachzudenken, mit einer Erfahrung in der Werte- und Wissenserziehung (V a KE). School Science and Mathematics Journal, 122 (7), 358-370. Austria Greece Pnevmatikos, D., Christodoulou, P., Georgiadou, T., & Lithoxoidou, A. (2023). Undergraduate Students’ Conceptualization of Critical Thinking and Their Ideas […]

20th Biennial EARLI Conference

The 20th Biennial EARLI Conference was held on August 22-26, 2023. EARLI Conference on Research in Learning and Teaching is hosted by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the University of Macedonia, Greece. Research groups from Austria, Greece and Georgia made reports on the VaKE-model, which aroused the interest of the conference participants.